Posts tagged grass

A Landscape of Technology

Welcome to the first blog post for jwlandscapedesign!

Last weekend I attended my first TNLA Management Workshop in Galveston, TX. The focus for the event was to combine great customer service with technology to achieve the highest level of success. According to the speakers Terry Brock and Damian Skinner (both of whom are excellent); I should reach out to my existing customers and potential clients using social media to provide useful information. By utilizing the latest media outlets such as Facebook, LinkedIn, You Tube and WordPress, I plan on implementing these ideas. Thus, the first of many blogs from jwlandscapedesign has been created.

Technology is knocking…should I let it in?
As I sit in front of my computer, my fingers poised on their home keys waiting for my brain the give them the go ahead to type. It is as if I can hear my fingers saying, “Whenever you’re ready to say something intelligent, boss, we’ll get to typing…you just let us know.” Thank you, fingers! No pressure…no pressure. Ya’ll are my ten smallest fans. Luckily, I may be the only person that reads my own blog, so in reality there is no pressure…Whew!

Like most landscapers, I am behind on the latest tech trends and newest online gadgets. So far, I have created a You Tube channel and dusted off my Facebook and LinkedIn accounts…not bad for Day 1 of “Technical Jack.” My plan is to provide useful information and video clips regarding landscape design, installation, irrigation, patios and outdoor living areas. I may also throw in a bit of lagniappe not related to landscaping, but some may find it enjoyable. I will continue to post on this blog and video useful information regarding the landscape industry. I hope you enjoy and check back often for posts.

It seems that everyone is conscious of being “green” and wants to do their part in helping the environment. Especially in Central Texas, conserving water and water-wise landscaping has become quite popular among homeowners. Below are Seven Principles of WaterWise Landscaping provided by TNLA:

1. Planning and Design
A landscape isn’t a bunch of plants; it’s a set of miniature ecosystems where everything affects everything. Before you begin a project, plan ahead by calling a landscape designer or landscape architect.

2. Soil Evaluation and Improvement
Soil is where it all starts. To match plant needs to soil, you have to know the soil type.

3. Practical Turf Areas
Select the appropriate grass species and consider the size and geometry of turf areas for optimal water use.

4. Appropriate Plant Selection
Use plants well adapted to thrive in your area. This includes sun/shade, soil conditions and deer resistance.

5. Efficient Irrigation
Water only the plants that need it and only when they need it.

6. Use of Mulches
Mulch cuts down on evaporation of water, suppresses weeds and keeps the plants cool. It also makes a bed look nice and tidy.

7. Appropriate Maintenance
Keeping turf at its optimal height, checking the irrigation system, and other basic maintenance saves time and water while providing a more beautiful landscape.

Remember—The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is NOW!

Thanks for visiting jwlandscapedesign blog. Check back often for additional post on landscaping, irrigation, patios and everything in between.

Please visit and drop us a line. We’d love to hear from you!

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